Instructional Design Services

Your business is at the center of everything we do.

When you work with Influent Strategies, we’ll always suggest evidence-based solutions that we believe
will make a positive impact on your business. Let’s connect to see how we can collaborate.

  • Let's start off by having a chat

    We're here to learn the ins and outs of your business – the nitty-gritty details that make it uniquely yours. So, consider us your friendly question-askers, eager to get to know you better.

  • Next up, we'll do a bit of detective work

    We'll take what we've learned and do a deep dive into your learning landscape. This is where we uncover where your learning game is strong and where our instructional design process might open up room for growth.

  • Time to roll up our sleeves and get creative

    We'll put our heads together, brainstorm, and come up with a learning and development strategy designed specifically for your business.

  • Now, we're all about collaboration

    We'll show you what we've come up with! Your feedback helps us fine-tune our ideas until they fit just right, ensuring that the final plan is a true reflection of your vision.

  • Time to add those finishing touches

    We'll make sure every detail aligns perfectly with your goals and needs so that your solution truly shines.

  • Time for the big launch

    We'll guide you through the implementation and ensure everything goes off without a hitch. Let’s bring your learning and development strategy to life and make sure it gets the spotlight it deserves!

Let’s collaborate and create your next level of learning and business success

Influent Strategies builds education experiences that enable your employees and your business to thrive.

  • Immerse your team in engaging online experiences that foster skill growth and knowledge retention.

  • Dive into learning that's anything but passive – our interactive elearning content captivates your team's attention and boosts engagement.

  • Get quick, targeted help with bite-sized resources that keep your team efficient and effective on the job.

  • Whether in-person or virtual, we’ll help your experts shine by designing interactive, engaging workshops that give your team the knowledge they need in the format that works best for them.

  • Engage employees with video-based learning that makes complex topics easy to remember, understand, and integrate into their workflow.

  • Experience real-life scenarios in a safe space – our simulations help your team practice and perfect their skills without the risk.

  • At Influent Strategies, we understand that a well-crafted curriculum forms the backbone of effective learning and development. Our curriculum design services go beyond the ordinary, ensuring that every education experience is purposeful, cohesive, and aligned with your business objectives.